Source code for entanglish.TwoQubitState

import numpy as np
from entanglish.DenMat import *

[docs]class TwoQubitState: """ This class has no constructor. It contains only static methods. Its methods deal with entanglement of 2 qubit states. In particular, this class implements Wootters formula for the formation entanglement of an arbitrary mixed state of 2 qubits. """
[docs] @staticmethod def bell_key_set(): """ This method returns a set of 4 strings which label the 4 Bell basis states. Returns ------- set[str] """ return {'==+', '==-', '!=+', '!=-'}
[docs] @staticmethod def get_bell_basis_st_vec(key): """ This method returns one Bell basis state out of 4 possible ones. The 4 Bell basis states are orthonormal, maximally entangled, 2 qubit states.:: |==+> = 1/sqrt(2)[|00> + |11>] |==-> = 1/sqrt(2)[|00> - |11>] |!=+> = 1/sqrt(2)[|01> + |10>] |!=-> = 1/sqrt(2)[|01> - |10>] Parameters ---------- key : str either '==+', '==-', '!=+', or '!=-' Returns ------- np.ndarray shape = (4,) """ assert key in TwoQubitState.bell_key_set() # row_shape = (2, 2) st_vec1 = np.zeros((4,), dtype=complex) st_vec2 = np.zeros((4,), dtype=complex) if key[0] == '=': st_vec1[0] = 1 # |0>|0> st_vec2[3] = 1 # |1>|1> else: st_vec1[1] = 1 # |0>|1> st_vec2[2] = 1 # |1>|0> if key[-1] == '+': sign1 = +1 else: sign1 = -1 return (st_vec1 + sign1 * st_vec2) / np.sqrt(2)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_bell_basis_diag_dm(fid, prob_dict=None): """ This method returns a DenMat which is constructed as a linear combination, with coefficients prob_dict, of the Bell basis state projection operators. So the den matrix returned is diagonal in the Bell basis. If prob_dict is not None, use it and ignore value of fid. If prob_dict is None, use prob_dict for an "isotropic" Werner state with fidelity fid. That is, prob_dict[ "==+"]=fid, prob_dict[x]=( 1-fid)/3 for all x other than '==+" Parameters ---------- fid : float fidelity. prob_dict : dict[str, float]|None Returns ------- DenMat """ if prob_dict: assert ut.is_prob_dist(np.array(list(prob_dict.values()))) assert set(prob_dict.keys()) == TwoQubitState.bell_key_set() else: assert 0 <= fid <= 1 prob_dict = {} for key in TwoQubitState.bell_key_set(): if key == '==+': prob_dict[key] = fid else: prob_dict[key] = (1 - fid) / 3 dm = DenMat(4, (2, 2)) dm.set_arr_to_zero() for key in prob_dict.keys(): st_vec = TwoQubitState.get_bell_basis_st_vec(key) dm.arr += np.outer(st_vec, np.conj(st_vec)) * prob_dict[key] return dm
[docs] @staticmethod def get_time_reversed_dm(dm): """ This method returns a DenMat which is the time reversed version of a DenMat dm for 2 qubits. Parameters ---------- dm : DenMat Returns ------- DenMat """ assert dm.num_rows == 4 sigy = np.array([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]]) dm_sigyy = DenMat(4, (2, 2), arr=ut.kron_prod([sigy, sigy])) return dm_sigyy*dm.conj()*dm_sigyy
[docs] @staticmethod def get_concurrence(dm): """ This method returns the concurrence of a DenMat dm for 2 qubits. Parameters ---------- dm : DenMat Returns ------- float """ assert dm.num_rows == 4 dm_trev = TwoQubitState.get_time_reversed_dm(dm) dm_root = dm.sqrt() dm2 = dm_root*dm_trev*dm_root evas = np.linalg.eigvalsh(dm2.arr) evas = np.array([np.sqrt(x) if x > 0 else 0 for x in evas]) max_pos = np.argmax(evas) x = 0 for pos in range(4): if pos == max_pos: x += evas[pos] else: x -= evas[pos] return max(0, x)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_known_formation_entang(dm): """ This method returns the known formation entanglement for a DenMat dm for 2 qubits. Parameters ---------- dm : DenMat Returns ------- float """ assert dm.num_rows == 4 conc = TwoQubitState.get_concurrence(dm) u = (1+np.sqrt(1-conc**2))/2 return ut.get_entropy_from_probs(np.array([u, 1-u]))
if __name__ == "__main__": from entanglish.EntangCase import * from entanglish.PureStEnt import * from entanglish.SquashedEnt import * def main1(): print('4 Bell Basis states**********************') for key in TwoQubitState.bell_key_set(): st_vec = TwoQubitState.get_bell_basis_st_vec(key) dm = DenMat(4, (2, 2)) dm.set_arr_from_st_vec(st_vec) ecase = PureStEnt(dm) pf = ecase.get_entang_profile() print('----------key:', key) print("st_vec=\n", st_vec) ecase.print_entang_profiles([pf], dm.row_shape) print("*******************************") dm1 = TwoQubitState.get_bell_basis_diag_dm(fid=.7) # print('arr=\n', dm1.arr) np.random.seed(123) dm2 = DenMat(4, (2, 2)) dm2.set_arr_to_rand_den_mat(np.array([.1, .2, .3, .4])) dm3 = DenMat(4, (2, 2)) dm3.set_arr_to_rand_den_mat(np.array([.1, .1, .1, .7])) for dm in [dm1, dm2, dm3]: print("----------new dm") print("formation_entang=", TwoQubitState.get_known_formation_entang(dm)) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def main2(): xvals = np.arange(0, 1.05, .05) ln2 = np.log(2) yvals = [TwoQubitState.get_known_formation_entang( TwoQubitState.get_bell_basis_diag_dm(fid))/ln2 for fid in xvals] plt.plot(xvals, yvals) plt.xlabel('Fidelity, F') plt.ylabel('Formation Entang/ln(2)') plt.axis([0, 1, 0, 1]) plt.grid(True) plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 1.1, step=0.1)) plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 1.1, step=0.1)) main1() main2()