Source code for entanglish.MaxEntangState

import numpy as np

[docs]class MaxEntangState: """ This class is designed to perform tasks related to a maximally entangled pure state with parts x_axes, y_axes. x_axes, y_axes give a bi-partition of range( len(row_shape)). See Ref.1 for an explicit definition of the maximally entangled states that we use. The basic requirement for a density matrix Dxy to be maximally entangled is for its partial trace Dx to be a diagonal matrix with all terms in the diagonal equal to the same constant. The sum of the diagonal elements must of course be one. For example, Dx=diag(0.25, 0.25,0.25,0.25) (If num_vals_x != num_vals_y, this assumes that num_vals_x is the smaller of the two.) References ---------- 1. R.R. Tucci, "A New Algorithm for Calculating Squashed Entanglement and a Python Implementation Thereof" Attributes ---------- num_rows : int equals product(row_shape) num_vals_min : int equals min( num_vals_x, num_vals_y) num_vals_x : int equals product(row_shape_x) num_vals_y : int equals product(row_shape_y) row_shape : tuple[int] row_shape_x : tuple[int] subset of row_shape, only items indexed by x_axes row_shape_y : tuple[int] subset of row_shape, only items indexed by y_axes x_axes : list{int] y_axes : list{int] """
[docs] def __init__(self, num_rows, row_shape, x_axes, y_axes): """ Constructor Parameters ---------- num_rows : int row_shape : tuple[int] x_axes : list{int] y_axes : list{int] """ self.num_rows = num_rows self.row_shape = row_shape self.x_axes = x_axes self.y_axes = y_axes assert num_rows == np.product(np.array(row_shape)) assert len(row_shape) == len(set(x_axes).union(set(y_axes))) self.row_shape_x = tuple([row_shape[k] for k in x_axes]) self.row_shape_y = tuple([row_shape[k] for k in y_axes]) self.num_vals_x = np.product(np.array(self.row_shape_x)) self.num_vals_y = np.product(np.array(self.row_shape_y)) self.num_vals_min = min(self.num_vals_x, self.num_vals_y)
[docs] def get_st_vec(self): """ This method returns the state vector of the state. Returns ------- np.ndarray shape=(self.num_rows,) """ st_vec = np.zeros(shape=(self.num_vals_x, self.num_vals_y), dtype=complex) for ix in range(self.num_vals_min): st_vec[ix, ix] = 1/np.sqrt(self.num_vals_min) st_vec = st_vec.reshape(self.row_shape_x + self.row_shape_y) st_vec = np.transpose(st_vec, self.x_axes + self.y_axes) st_vec = st_vec.reshape((self.num_rows,)) return st_vec
[docs] def get_known_entang(self): """ This method returns the known entanglement of the state, i.e. log( self.num_vals_min) Returns ------- float """ return np.log(self.num_vals_min)
if __name__ == "__main__": from entanglish.EntangCase import * from entanglish.PureStEnt import * def main(): dm_max = DenMat(24, (2, 2, 3, 2)) max_ent_st = MaxEntangState(dm_max.num_rows, dm_max.row_shape, [0, 1, 3], [2]) EntangCase.check_max_entang_st(max_ent_st) st_vec = max_ent_st.get_st_vec() entang = max_ent_st.get_known_entang() dm_max.set_arr_from_st_vec(st_vec) print('st_vec=\n', st_vec) print("entang=", entang) ecase = PureStEnt(dm_max, 'eigen') pf = ecase.get_entang_profile() ecase.print_entang_profiles([pf], dm_max.row_shape) main()