Source code for entanglish.DenMat

import numpy as np
import entanglish.utilities as ut
import copy as cp
import scipy as sc
import scipy.linalg as la

[docs]class DenMat: """ This class specifies a quantum mechanical Density Matrix. The class also performs a large number of operations on the density matrix self. Normally, a density matrix is a Hermitian matrix whose eigenvalues define a probability distribution (i.e., the eigenvalues are real numbers between zero and one and they sum to 1.) This class does not automatically check that self is Hermitian, although you can do it yourself with the method is_hermitian(). The class doesn't check that the trace is one either, although you can do it yourself with the method trace(). It is often useful to use this class to hold an "un-normalized" density matrix whose trace is not 1. So trace=1 is seldom assumed by the functions of this class. On the other hand, many of the functions in this class, especially the ones that involve finding eigenvalues, do assume that self is Hermitian. The attribute arr holds a numpy array of shape (num_rows, num_rows), where num_rows is also an attribute. Another attribute is row_shape, which is a tuple of integers whose product is num_rows. At any time, arr can be reshaped from (num_rows, num_rows) to row_shape*2. For example, suppose row_shape = (3, 4, 2). Then this density matrix will be taken to represent a mixed state of 3 qudits with d=3, d=4 and d=2 in that order. When we take a partial trace over the second (d=4) qudit, we contract the second row index with the second column index. To use this class in conjunction with Qubiter, replace self.arr in this class with the output of Qubiter.StateVec.get_den_mat() The marginals of self is defined as a list of partial traces of self. The n'th item in the list of marginals is the partial trace of self, traced over all qudits except the n'th. The Kronecker product of the marginals of self is a "separable" density matrix, in the sense that there is no correlation among its qudits. Attributes ---------- arr : np.ndarray numpy array of shape (num_rows, num_rows) which contains entries of a density matrix marginals : list[DenMat] num_rows : int row_shape : tuple[int] tuple of integers whose product is num_rows """
[docs] def __init__(self, num_rows, row_shape, arr=None): """ Constructor Parameters ---------- num_rows : int row_shape : tuple[int] arr : np.ndarray shape=(num_rows, num_rows) Returns ------- """ self.num_rows = num_rows assert self.num_rows > 0 self.row_shape = row_shape # print('---...', row_shape) assert num_rows == ut.scalar_prod(row_shape) self.arr = arr if arr is not None: assert arr.shape == (num_rows, num_rows) # calculate marginals only if they they are needed self.marginals = None
[docs] def set_marginals(self): """ This method calculates the single-axis marginals of self and stores them in self.marginals. Returns ------- None """ num_row_axes = len(self.row_shape) if num_row_axes == 1: marginals = [self.copy()] else: marginals = [] for k in range(num_row_axes): traced_axes_set = set( [ax for ax in range(num_row_axes) if ax != k]) marginals.append(self.get_partial_tr(traced_axes_set)) self.marginals = marginals
[docs] def copy(self): """ This method returns a copy of self. Returns ------- DenMat """ return DenMat(self.num_rows, self.row_shape, cp.copy(self.arr))
[docs] @staticmethod def new_const_den_mat(num_rows, row_shape, const): """ This method returns a DenMat object with an arr which is a diagonal matrix with 'const' in its diagonal. Parameters ---------- num_rows : int row_shape : tuple[int] const : int|float|complex Returns ------- DenMat """ arr = np.diag(np.array([const]*num_rows)) return DenMat(num_rows, row_shape, arr)
[docs] def set_arr_to_zero(self): """ Sets self.arr to zero matrix. Returns ------- None """ self.arr = np.zeros( shape=(self.num_rows, self.num_rows), dtype=complex)
[docs] def set_arr_to_rand_den_mat(self, evas): """ evas = eigenvalues. This method sets self.arr to a random density matrix UDU^dag, where U is a random unitary matrix, D is a non-random diagonal matrix with diagonal equal to the input 1D array 'evas', and U^dag is the Hermitian conjugate of U. This method checks that evas is a probability distribution. The DenMat returned by this method is useful for testing purposes. Parameters ---------- evas : np.ndarray evas stands for eigenvalues. 1D array of floats, of shape ( self.num_rows, ) Returns ------- None """ assert ut.is_prob_dist(evas) umat = ut.random_unitary(len(evas)) umat_H = umat.conj().T # multiply each col of umat by corresponding eigenvalue for k in range(len(evas)): umat[:, k] *= evas[k] self.arr =, umat_H)
[docs] def set_arr_from_st_vec(self, st_vec): """ Sets self.arr to st_vec*set_vec^dag where st_vec is a column vector of shape (num_rows, ). For qubits, st_vec should be a traditional state vector, meaning that when reshaped to [2]*num_qbits, the components are .. |s_2>|s_1>|s_0> where s_i = 0, 1 corresponds to the i'th qubit. s_0 is last so ZL (Zero Last) convention. Parameters ---------- st_vec : np.ndarray shape=(self.num_rows,) Returns ------- None """ assert st_vec.shape == (self.num_rows,) self.arr = np.outer(st_vec, np.conj(st_vec))
[docs] def add_const_to_diag_of_arr(self, const): """ Adds constant `const` to diagonal of self.arr. Parameters ---------- const : complex|float|int Returns ------- None """ self.arr[np.diag_indices_from(self.arr)] += const
[docs] def add_vec_to_diag_of_arr(self, vec_arr): """ Adds vector `vec_arr` to diagonal of self.arr Parameters ---------- vec_arr : np.ndarray Returns ------- None """ assert vec_arr.shape == (self.num_rows,), \ str(vec_arr.shape) + ' is not ' + str(self.num_rows) self.arr[np.diag_indices_from(self.arr)] += vec_arr
[docs] def replace_diag_of_arr(self, new_diag): """ Replaces diagonal of self.arr by new_diag. Parameters ---------- new_diag : np.ndarray Returns ------- None """ assert new_diag.shape == (self.num_rows, ),\ str(new_diag.shape) + ' is not ' + str(self.num_rows) self.arr[np.diag_indices_from(self.arr)] = new_diag
[docs] def normalize_diag_of_arr(self): """ Divides the diagonal of self.arr by the trace of self.arr. Returns ------- None """ tr = np.trace(self.arr).real assert abs(tr) > 1e-6 self.arr[np.diag_indices_from(self.arr)] /= tr
[docs] def normalize_entire_arr(self): """ Divides all of self.arr by the trace of self.arr. Returns ------- None """ tr = np.trace(self.arr).real assert abs(tr) > 1e-6 self.arr /= tr
[docs] @staticmethod def get_kron_prod_of_den_mats(den_mat_list): """ Takes as input a list of DenMat's and returns a DenMat which is the Kronecker product of the items in the input list. Parameters ---------- den_mat_list : list[DenMat] Returns ------- DenMat """ row_shape = [] for dm in den_mat_list: row_shape += list(dm.row_shape) row_shape = tuple(row_shape) num_rows = ut.scalar_prod(row_shape) arr = ut.kron_prod([dm.arr for dm in den_mat_list]) return DenMat(num_rows, row_shape, arr)
[docs] @staticmethod def new_with_permuted_qudits(dm, perm): """ This method returns a DenMat in which the rows (and columns) of dm.arr have been permuted according to perm. Parameters ---------- dm : DenMat perm : list[int} perm is a permutation of range(len(self.row_shape)) Returns ------- DenMat """ nrows = dm.num_rows sorted_perm = sorted(perm) sorted_perm1 = list(range(len(dm.row_shape))) assert sorted_perm1 == sorted_perm,\ 'got:' + str(sorted_perm) + ', but expected:' +\ str(sorted_perm1) displaced_perm = [k + len(perm) for k in perm] new_row_shape = tuple([dm.row_shape[k] for k in perm]) new_arr = cp.copy(dm.arr) new_arr = new_arr.reshape(tuple(list(dm.row_shape)*2)) # print(",,,", new_arr.shape) new_arr = np.transpose(new_arr, perm + displaced_perm) new_arr = new_arr.reshape((nrows, nrows)) return DenMat(nrows, new_row_shape, new_arr)
[docs] def get_rho_xy(self, x_axes, y_axes): """ The inputs 'x_axes' and 'y_axes' must be mutually exclusive lists whose union, after sorting, is range(len(self.row_shape)), which equals [0, 1, 2, ..., number of row axes -1]. The output is a DenMat in which the rows (and columns) of self.arr have been permuted to the order x_axes + y_axes. Parameters ---------- x_axes : list[int] y_axes : list[int] Returns ------- DenMat """ return DenMat.new_with_permuted_qudits(self, x_axes + y_axes)
[docs] def get_partial_tr(self, traced_axes_set): """ This method returns the partial trace of a density matrix den_mat. It traces over the indices (a.k.a. axes) in the non-empty set traced_axes_set. To get a full trace, just do den_mat.trace() Parameters ---------- traced_axes_set : set[int] Set of axes being traced over Returns ------- DenMat """ # This method is similar to Qubiter.StatVec.get_partial_tr() num_row_axes = len(self.row_shape) traced_axes = list(traced_axes_set) assert all(0 <= x < num_row_axes for x in traced_axes) assert 0 < len(traced_axes) < num_row_axes, \ "Tracing over zero or all qudits. " + \ "To trace over all qudits, just do den_mat.trace()." untraced_axes = [k for k in range(num_row_axes) if k not in traced_axes] new_row_shape = tuple([self.row_shape[ax] for ax in untraced_axes]) new_num_rows = ut.scalar_prod(new_row_shape) arr = cp.copy(self.arr) arr = arr.reshape(tuple(list(self.row_shape)*2)) num_traces = len(traced_axes) # print('/..', arr.shape) for k in range(num_traces): # print(',,,..', traced_axes) ax = traced_axes.pop(0) arr = np.trace(arr, axis1=ax, axis2=ax + num_row_axes - k) # print('//', arr.shape) traced_axes = list(map(lambda x: (x if x <= ax else x-1), traced_axes)) # print('///', arr.shape) arr = arr.reshape((new_num_rows, new_num_rows)) return DenMat(new_num_rows, new_row_shape, arr)
[docs] def get_set_of_all_other_axes(self, axes_set): """ This method returns the complement set wrt range(len(self.row_shape)) of the set of axes axes_set Parameters ---------- axes_set : set[int] Returns ------- set[int] """ all_axes = range(len(self.row_shape)) comp_axes_set = set([ax for ax in all_axes if ax not in axes_set]) return comp_axes_set
[docs] def get_entropy(self, approx='eigen'): """ This method returns an exact entropy of density matrix self. Uses natural log for entropy. Assumes eigenvalues of self are non-negative and sum to 1. Parameters ---------- approx : str approx used to calculate log of array. Either 'eigen' or 'pade' Returns ------- float """ ent = 0.0 if approx == 'eigen': evas = np.real(np.linalg.eigvalsh(self.arr)) ent = ut.get_entropy_from_probs(evas) elif approx == 'pade': ent = - np.trace(, la.logm(self.arr))).real else: assert False, 'unsupported approx for ' +\ 'calculating entropy of a density matrix.' return ent
[docs] def get_mutual_info(self, traced_axes_set, approx='eigen'): """ This method returns the mutual information for x_axes = list( traced_axes_set) and y_axes = row axes not in x_axes. Uses natural log for entropy. Assumes eigenvalues of self are non-negative and sum to 1. Parameters ---------- traced_axes_set : set[int] approx : str approx used to calculate log of array. Either 'eigen' or 'pade' Returns ------- float """ num_row_axes = len(self.row_shape) x_axes = list(traced_axes_set) assert all(0 <= x < num_row_axes for x in x_axes) y_axes = [k for k in range(num_row_axes) if k not in x_axes] dm_x = self.get_partial_tr(set(y_axes)) dm_y = self.get_partial_tr(set(x_axes)) mi = - self.get_entropy(approx) \ + dm_x.get_entropy(approx) \ + dm_y.get_entropy(approx) return mi
[docs] def dm_op(self, right, arr_op): """ Internal method used in magic methods __add__, __sub__, __mul__, which define binary operations between self and another DenMat. Parameters ---------- right : DenMat arr_op : wrapper_descriptor This is going to be either np.ndarray.[__add__, __sub__], Returns ------- DenMat """ assert self.num_rows == right.num_rows assert self.row_shape == right.row_shape new_arr = arr_op(self.arr, right.arr) return DenMat(self.num_rows, self.row_shape, new_arr)
[docs] def dm_iop(self, right, arr_iop): """ Internal method used in magic methods __iadd__, __isub__, __imul__, which define in-place binary operations between self and another DenMat. Parameters ---------- right : DenMat arr_iop : wrapper_descriptor This is going to be either np.ndarray.[__iadd__, __isub__], Returns ------- DenMat returns self """ assert self.num_rows == right.num_rows assert self.row_shape == right.row_shape arr_iop(self.arr, right.arr) return self
[docs] def __add__(self, right): """ Defines '+' between self and another DenMat, the input 'right'. Parameters ---------- right : DenMat Returns ------- DenMat """ return self.dm_op(right, np.ndarray.__add__)
[docs] def __iadd__(self, right): """ Defines '+=' between self and another DenMat, the input 'right'. Parameters ---------- right : DenMat Returns ------- DenMat """ return self.dm_iop(right, np.ndarray.__iadd__)
[docs] def __sub__(self, right): """ Defines '-' between self and another DenMat, the input 'right'. Parameters ---------- right : DenMat Returns ------- DenMat """ return self.dm_op(right, np.ndarray.__sub__)
[docs] def __isub__(self, right): """ Defines '-=' between self and another DenMat, the input 'right'. Parameters ---------- right : DenMat Returns ------- DenMat """ return self.dm_iop(right, np.ndarray.__isub__)
[docs] def __mul__(self, right): """ Defines '*' as between self and another DenMat or a scalar (either int, float or complex), the input 'right'. Multiplication by a scalar is defined only if scalar is on the right side of self. Parameters ---------- right : DenMat|complex|float|int Returns ------- DenMat """ if isinstance(right, (int, float, complex)): new_arr = self.arr * right return DenMat(self.num_rows, self.row_shape, new_arr) else: return self.dm_op(right,
[docs] def __imul__(self, right): """ Defines '*=' as inplace matrix multiplication between self and another DenMat or a scalar (either int, float or complex), the input 'right'. Parameters ---------- right : DenMat|complex|float|int Returns ------- DenMat """ if isinstance(right, (int, float, complex)): self.arr *= right return self else: return self.dm_op(right,
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """ Defines self[int1, int2] to be same as self.arr[int1, int2] Parameters ---------- key : tuple[int, int] Returns ------- complex """ return self.arr[key]
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key, item): """ Defines assignment `self[int1, int2] = item` to be same as `self.arr[int1, int2] = item`. Parameters ---------- key : tuple[int, int] item : complex|float|int Returns ------- None """ self.arr[key] = item
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Returns str(self.arr). Returns ------- str """ return str(self.arr)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Returns str(self.arr). Returns ------- str """ return self.__str__()
[docs] def is_pure_state(self): """ This method returns a bool which answers the question whether self is a pure state or not. Returns ------- bool """ return np.linalg.norm(, self.arr) - self.arr) < 1e-6
[docs] def depurify(self, eps): """ If self is a pure state, this method returns a nearby density mat that is mixed Parameters ---------- eps : float small positive number Returns ------- DenMat """ probs = np.random.random(self.num_rows) probs = probs/np.sum(probs) arr = (self.arr + eps*np.diag(probs)) / (self.trace() + eps) return DenMat(self.num_rows, self.row_shape, arr)
[docs] def herm(self): """ This method returns a DenMat which is the Hermitian conjugate of self. Returns ------- DenMat """ return DenMat(self.num_rows, self.row_shape, self.arr.conj().T)
[docs] def conj(self): """ This method returns a DenMat which is the complex conjugate of self. Returns ------- DenMat """ return DenMat(self.num_rows, self.row_shape, self.arr.conj())
[docs] def trace(self): """ This method returns the real part of the full trace of self. Returns ------- float """ im = np.trace(self.arr).imag assert im < 1e-4, 'imag=' + str(im) return np.trace(self.arr).real
[docs] def norm(self): """ This method returns the 2-norm of self.arr Returns ------- float """ return np.linalg.norm(self.arr)
[docs] def sqrt(self, approx='eigen'): """ This method returns a DenMat which is the matrix square root of self. Parameters ---------- approx : str approx used to calculate sqrt. Either 'eigen' or 'pade'. Returns ------- DenMat """ sqrtm_arr = None if approx == 'eigen': sqrtm_arr = ut.fun_of_herm_arr(lambda x: np.sqrt(x) if x > 0 else 0, self.arr) elif approx == 'pade': sqrtm_arr = la.sqrtm(self.arr) else: assert False, 'unsupported approx' return DenMat(self.num_rows, self.row_shape, sqrtm_arr)
[docs] def exp(self, approx='eigen'): """ This method returns a DenMat which is the matrix exponential of self. Parameters ---------- approx : str approx used to calculate exp. Either 'eigen' or 'pade'. Returns ------- DenMat """ expm_arr = None if approx == 'eigen': expm_arr = ut.fun_of_herm_arr(np.exp, self.arr) elif approx == 'pade': expm_arr = la.expm(self.arr) else: assert False, 'unsupported approx' return DenMat(self.num_rows, self.row_shape, expm_arr)
[docs] def log(self, approx='eigen', eps=None, clip_to_zero=False): """ This method returns a DenMat which is the matrix natural log of self. Parameters ---------- approx : str approx used to calculate the natural log. Either 'eigen' or 'pade'. eps : float | None clips logs larger than log(eps) to log(eps) (or to zero if clip_to_zero=True) if this is a float. Doesn't clip if this is None clip_to_zero : bool clips to zero iff this is True Returns ------- DenMat """ # self.add_const_to_diag_of_arr(1e-8) # self.normalize_diag_of_arr() logm_arr = None if approx == 'eigen': if eps is None: logm_arr = ut.fun_of_herm_arr(np.log, self.arr) else: logm_arr = ut.fun_of_herm_arr(ut.clipped_log_of_vec, self.arr, eps=eps, clip_to_zero=clip_to_zero) elif approx == 'pade': logm_arr = la.logm(self.arr) else: assert False, 'unsupported approx' return DenMat(self.num_rows, self.row_shape, logm_arr)
[docs] def positive_part(self, threshold=1e-5): """ This method returns a DenMat in which negative (< 0) eigenvalues of self.arr are replaced by zero. Returns ------- DenMat """ fun = ut.positive_part_of_vec pos_arr = ut.fun_of_herm_arr(fun, self.arr) return DenMat(self.num_rows, self.row_shape, pos_arr)
[docs] def purer_version(self): """ This method returns a DenMat in which all eigenvalues of self.arr except the maximum one are replaced by zero. Returns ------- DenMat """ evas, evec_cols = np.linalg.eigh(self.arr) max_pos = np.argmax(evas) vec = evec_cols[:, max_pos] arr = np.outer(vec, np.conj(vec))*evas[max_pos] return DenMat(self.num_rows, self.row_shape, arr)
[docs] def purer_version2(self): """ This method returns a DenMat in which self.arr is replaced by ( self.arr^2)/sqrt(tr2) where tr2 is the trace of self.arr^2. This transformation has no effect on self if self is an un-normalized pure state. Returns ------- DenMat """ dm2 = self*self tr2 = dm2.trace() return dm2*(1/np.sqrt(tr2))
[docs] def inv(self, regulator=0.0): """ This method returns a DenMat which is the inverse matrix of self. logs, exponentials and sqrt's of matrices are calculated by various methods. Inverses of matrices, on the other hand, are calculated a single way. Parameters ---------- regulator : float this constant is added to diagonal of copy of self.arr before taking the inverse of copy Returns ------- DenMat """ arr = cp.copy(self.arr) arr[np.diag_indices_from(arr)] += regulator return DenMat(self.num_rows, self.row_shape, np.linalg.inv(arr))
[docs] def pseudo_inv(self, eps=1e-5): """ This method returns a DenMat which is the Penrose pseudo inverse matrix of self. By pseudo inverse, we mean that it takes the inverse of non-zero (abs > eps) eigenvalues only, but sets those eigenvalues with abs < eps to exactly zero. Parameters ---------- eps : float Returns ------- DenMat """ pseudo_inv_arr = ut.fun_of_herm_arr( lambda x: 1/x if abs(x) > eps else 0, self.arr) return DenMat(self.num_rows, self.row_shape, pseudo_inv_arr)
[docs] def get_eigenvalue_proj_ops(self, eps=1e-5): """ This method returns a tuple of 2 DenMat that carry Hermitian projection operators: proj_0 projects out the space of zero (abs < eps) eigenvalues. It is obtained by replacing in the eigen decomposition of self.arr, zero eigenvalues (abs < eps) by 1 and non-zero ones (abs > eps) by 0. proj_1 projects out the space of non-zero (abs > eps) eigenvalues. It is obtained by replacing in the eigen decomposition of self.arr, zero eigenvalues (abs < eps) by 0 and non-zero ones (abs > eps) by 1. Parameters ---------- eps : float 0 < eps << 1 Returns ------- DenMat, DenMat """ assert ut.is_hermitian_arr(self.arr) evas, evec_cols = np.linalg.eigh(self.arr) is_zero = [] is_not_zero = [] for x in evas: if abs(x) < eps: is_zero.append(1) is_not_zero.append(0) else: is_zero.append(0) is_not_zero.append(1) arr_proj_zero = ut.fun_of_herm_arr_from_eigen_sys( lambda xx: xx, np.array(is_zero), evec_cols) arr_proj_not_zero = ut.fun_of_herm_arr_from_eigen_sys( lambda xx: xx, np.array(is_not_zero), evec_cols) proj_0 = DenMat(self.num_rows, self.row_shape, arr_proj_zero) proj_1 = DenMat(self.num_rows, self.row_shape, arr_proj_not_zero) return proj_0, proj_1
[docs] def get_eigen_sys_of_marginals(self): """ eva = eigenvalue, evec = eigenvector, sep = separable. This method assumes self is Hermitian. We will call an 'eigensystem' of a density matrix: a tuple, whose first item is a 1D numpy array, call it evas, that carries the eigenvalues of the density matrix, and the second item is a 2D numpy array, call it eigen_cols, whose i'th columns is an eigenvector for the i'th eigenvalue (i.e., evas[i]) of the density matrix. This method returns a tuple of two lists. The first list contains the first part (eigenvalues) of the eigensystem of each marginal of self. The second list contains the second part (eigenvectors) of the eigensystem of each marginal of self. Returns ------- tuple[list[np.ndarray], list[np.ndarray]] """ vec_list = [] mat_list = [] assert self.marginals for marg in self.marginals: # vec_evas = vector with eigenvalues # mat_evecs = unitary matrix with eigenvectors as columns vec_evas, mat_evecs = np.linalg.eigh(marg.arr) vec_list.append(vec_evas) # print("------------", vec_evas) mat_list.append(mat_evecs) return vec_list, mat_list
[docs] def switch_arr_basis(self, umat, reverse=False): """ This method returns a new DenMat whose arr is U^dag(self.arr)U (or the reverse, U(self.arr)U^dag, if the input bool parameter 'reverse' is set to True.) U = umat , U^dag = Hermitian conjugate of U Parameters ---------- umat : np.ndarray reverse : bool Returns ------- DenMat """ new_arr = ut.switch_arr_basis(self.arr, umat, reverse) return DenMat(self.num_rows, self.row_shape, new_arr)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_fun_of_dm_from_eigen_sys(num_rows, row_shape, eigen_sys, fun_of_scalars, **fun_kwargs): """ If (evas, U) = eigen_sys and fun = fun_of_scalars, then this method returns^dag, where U^dag is the Hermitian conjugate of the unitary matrix U. The function calculated (for example, np.exp, np.log, etc.) is passed in as the input 'fun_of_scalars'. To get just an approx to dm instead of an approx to fun of dm, use fun_of_scalars = lambda x: x Parameters ---------- num_rows : int row_shape : tuple[int] eigen_sys : tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] fun_of_scalars : function that can act on scalars or numpy arrays element-wise fun_kwargs : dict dict of keyword args that fun depends on Returns ------- DenMat """ evas, evec_cols = eigen_sys arr = ut.fun_of_herm_arr_from_eigen_sys( fun_of_scalars, evas, evec_cols, **fun_kwargs) return DenMat(num_rows, row_shape, arr)
if __name__ == "__main__": def main(): dm1 = DenMat(3, (3,)) dm = DenMat.new_const_den_mat(dm1.num_rows, dm1.row_shape, 2) print('constant 2\n', dm) dm1.set_arr_to_zero() print('set_arr_to_zero\n', dm1) evas = np.array([.1, .3, .6]) dm1.set_arr_to_rand_den_mat(evas) print('set_arr_to_rand_den_mat\n', dm1) print('out_evas - in_evas\n', np.linalg.eigvalsh(dm1.arr) - evas) dm1.set_arr_from_st_vec(np.array([1+.1j, 2, 3])) print('set_arr_from_st_vec\n', dm1) dm1.set_arr_to_zero() dm1.add_const_to_diag_of_arr(1) print('add_const_to_diag_of_arr\n', dm1) dm1.add_vec_to_diag_of_arr(np.array([1, 2, 3])) print('add_vec_to_diag_of_arr\n', dm1) dm1.replace_diag_of_arr(np.array([.1, .2, .3])) print('replace_diag_of_arr\n', dm1) dm1.normalize_diag_of_arr() print('normalize_diag_of_arr\n', dm1) dm1 *= 3 dm1.normalize_entire_arr() print('normalize entire\n', dm1) dm1 = DenMat(2, (2,)) dm1.arr = np.array([[.5, .2], [.2, .5]]) print('1 qubit dm\n', dm1) id2 = DenMat(2, (2,)) id2.arr = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) print('id2\n', id2) dm2 = DenMat.get_kron_prod_of_den_mats([dm1, id2*.5, dm1, id2*.5]) # print('4 fold kron of rot_y\n', dm2) dm2.set_marginals() print("init marginals dm1,id2, dm1, id2\n", dm2.marginals) rho_xy = dm2.get_rho_xy([0, 2], [1, 3]) # print('rho_02,13\n', rho_xy) rho_xy.set_marginals() print("permuted marginals dm1, dm1, id2, id2\n", rho_xy.marginals) rho_x = rho_xy.get_partial_tr({1, 3}) print('rho_02\n', rho_x) print('rho_0 - dm1\n', rho_x.get_partial_tr({1}) - dm1) print('rho_2 - id2*.5\n', rho_x.get_partial_tr({0}) - id2*.5) print('entropy of rho_x=', rho_x.get_entropy()) print('mutual info of rho_xy=', rho_xy.get_mutual_info({0, 2})) print('rho_xy - dm2\n', rho_xy-dm2) print('rho_xy + dm2\n', rho_xy+dm2) print('rho_x*inv_rho_x\n', rho_x*rho_x.inv()) print('rho_xy[0, 0]=', rho_xy[0, 0]) print('rho_x-log exp rho_x\n', rho_x - rho_x.log().exp()) print('rho_x*pinv_rho_x\n', rho_x*rho_x.pseudo_inv()) main()